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來源:https://www.chinanovo.net   發(fā)布時間:2022-11-11 13:55:11      
In the construction of enterprise websites, remember not to use templates to build websites as much as possible. It is you who will lose if you choose to build websites cheaply. Next, Jinan Website Construction Company will talk about how important the use of labels is in enterprise website construction!
Labels are used to display images. It is also important for Jinan Network Company (Damongqi) to remind this point in the website construction layout. Search engines do not know the meaning of images, and can only use alt elements to write keywords and the main content of images to assist the search engine to identify. The definition of alt is very important here.
The tag is used to add jump links. The same tags also have title elements recognized by search engines. Note the addition.
The label is used to define the title. In particular, H1 tag search engines attach great importance. Therefore, a page should contain at least one H1 tag, followed by H2 to H6 tags, which are less important in turn. Do not overuse them.
The label is marked in bold. Search engines also pay special attention to bold content. The tags that the search engine pays special attention to are included in the code of our website, and can be used together with optimized keywords to get optimized results.
In addition, in general, the path level of small and medium-sized websites should not exceed 3. The directory level is too deep, which is not conducive to the capture of search engines. For example, the path of the enterprise website: the domain name/news/236.html belongs to the secondary path; The domain name/news/company/236.html belongs to the level 3 path.
After the website goes online, be sure to search on the search engine. Don't talk about ranking if your website is not friendly to search engines. In the initial stage of website construction, each step of optimization will lay a solid foundation for website optimization, so that ranking can be obtained.
The layout of internal links, such as links in the article content, relevant recommendations at the bottom or side of the article content, friendship links at the bottom of the website, carousel horizontal chart and other pointing links.
The importance of the use of labels in the construction of enterprise websites is explained here. Search engines will pay attention to the details of the website only when they do a good job, and our website will have better development. More relevant matters will come to our website https://www.chinanovo.net Consult!